Calcium Carbonate Whiting 325 Mesh MWHIT325 1 Kg

Laguna Clay
SKU: LC763521
Rs. 75.00
Rs. 149.00
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Calcium Carbonate Whiting 325 Mesh MWHIT325


Is the most common source of calcium in glazes. It is a high temperature flux that gives durability and hardness to glazes.

Whiting 325 mesh - standard material used in pottery glazes. 98.0 % CaCO3 with 1% retained on a 325 mesh sieve

Calcium Carbonate alone is quite refractory but when mixed with feldspar or silica will start fluxing around 1100°C. It is often used in low fire clay bodies as an addition to help with glaze fit. It is rarely used as a flux in stoneware or porcelains. This is the Eastern Version of Calcium Carbonate.

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